

2014 共有活動 "Inspire APCC"

2024/08/20 235

Inspire APCC is a collection of stories and photos showcasing the people who inspire us.

The 2014-2015 Common Activity challenges you to think about someone in the APCC network that has inspired you—this could be a Junior Ambassador, Peace Ambassador, BRIDGE CLUB member, APCC volunteers, Liaison Officer, or member of your host family—and share your story with others through the APCC Facebook Page. 


1. Write a short description (150 words limit) about someone connected to the Asian-Pacific Children’s Convention or BRIDGE CLUB that has inspired you. Feel free to include a personal story, quote, or anything else that can help to share how this person has impacted your life

2. Take a photograph of that person, or If necessary you may request an image from them directly, to submit with your entry

3. Email your description and photograph to inspireapcc@gmail.com. Please also include your name, country/region, and APCC year(s) (if you are a former Junior Ambassador and Peace Ambassador)

Submissions will be accepted from October 15, 2014 to March 15, 2015 and will be periodically posted on the APCC Facebook Page (facebook.com/APCCFukuoka).


1. The APCC reserves the right to determine if an entry appropriately adheres to the project guidelines and is suitable to post online

2. Photographs should be either a jpg or png file

3. Photographs should be the participant’s sole and original work; if another party took the photograph, you must first receive their consent

4. Participants agree to assign all copyright, trademark, and other intellectual property rights in their entry and all photographs submitted to the Asian-Pacific Children’s Convention, 1-10-1-5F Tenjin, Chuou-ku, Fukuoka 810-0001
