Concept Note - new governance structure of BCPN

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1. Background

BRIDGE CLUB Professionals Network (BCPN) is a sub-organization of BRIDGE CLUB International Organization (BCIO) found in 2015 where all the alumni members of the Asian Pacific Children’s Convention (APCC) come under and BCPN is dedicated as a platform to connect its professional and student members via opportunities to exchange ideas, expertise, and experience for the professional and personal growth of the members.

BCPN was existent initially without a proper governing body and directly under BCIO. However, in 2017, an official management was established and in 2020, a separate governing body was formed as Management Team with three team leaders for development, communications and database for a term of 2 years.

Following that, a second term of a governing body was again selected with 5 executive members. In order to maximize the resource mobilization with an emphasis on the inter-generational growth of the organization and to enhance the outcomes of the governing body with a smooth flow of work, the new structure is finalized as follows, with a unanimous decision of the existing Management Team of BCPN.

The new governance structure is titled as “BCPN Executive Board” and is effective from Term 3 of BCPN (July 2024 onwards). Each term still lasts 2 years and members of the Executive Board will be renewed accordingly.

2. Structure of BCPN Executive Board

The structure consists of 4 tiers and the following positions are entailed to the respective tiers.

❖ 2.1: Tier 1

-In this tier, we have three appointed positions as the tier in-charge of the Executive Board as a whole.

➔ BCPN Chairman

➔ BCIO Secretary to BCPN

➔ Chief Executive Member

-The three position holders must be reviewed and approved by the BCIO Board of Directors.

-The members must have completed at least one term of BCPN management role previously.

-The maximum number of terms they can remain in position is not fixed, however for every term the BCIO Board

of Directors must review them and approve anew to each beginning term.

❖ 2.2: Tier 2

-In this Tier, there will be 3 Senior Executive Members with previous experience with BCPN selected by the Tier 1

and each Senior Executive Member (SEM) has a designated area of execution.

-The members in this tier must be a BCPN registered member with an active role.

-The 3 areas of execution are:

➔ Senior Executive - Development

➔ Senior Executive - Communications

➔ Senior Executive - Projects

-The Tier 2 members must apply and will be selected based on an interview.

-An evaluation of their execution performances will be carried out yearly.

-The maximum number of terms each SEM can remain in position is 3 consecutive terms

❖ 2.3: Tier 3

-In this Tier, there will be 3 Junior Executive Members (JEM) who will be generally under the Senior Executive Member without a specific scope of work.

-The members must have knowledge and an exposure to BCPN and applicants with participation in at least 2 prior events of BCPN will be prioritized.

-The Tier 3 members must apply and will be selected based on the application form and an interview for the shortlisted candidate.

-Upon selection, the evaluation on performance will be done every 6 months from the Tier 1 and 2 attributing to the goal-centered lists of tasks that need to be fulfilled.

-JEMs with unreasonably lower performance will be spoken with 2 times from the tiers above before their positions are renounced.

-The maximum number of terms each JEM can remain in position is 3 consecutive terms.

❖ 2.4: Tier 4

-This Tier is not an official part of the BCPN Executive Board and is meant to be a supportive task force for the BCPN Executive Board in various specified forms and areas as follows.

➔ Development

➢ BCPN Internship

*Research Interns x 2 x 1 year - 2 batches

*BCPN Interns x 3 x 1 year - 2 batches

➔ Communications

➢ PR Team

*PR Lead x 1

*Content designer x 2

*Content creator x 1

➔ Projects

➢ BCPN STARs Project

*Project Leads

*BC Presidents + PAs

The model of the new governance structure of BCPN:


3. General scope of BCPN Executive Board

-Engagement of APCC and BCIO alumni in BCPN and its visibility

-Execution of BCPN activities in the Action Plan in terms of Development, Communications and Projects

-Partnerships, collaboration and networking intra and extra-network

-Supporting task forces

-BCPN Executive Board Meetings

-BCPN Annual General Meeting

-BCPN Conference

4. The roles and responsibilities of BCPN Executive Board

The following responsibilities are entailed to all the members of the Executive Board (Tier 1-3):

*To encourage and engage more members to be taking part in BCPN

*To provide guidance and necessary support required for the smooth running of the BCPN to the

organisation and to each other

*To uphold the core values of APCC, BCIO and BCPN at all times

*To maintain the Code of Conduct of BCPN and other work ethics and etiquettes set by the BCPN within

the scope of your designated roles and other BCPN works

*To moderate and take minutes of BCPN Executive Board meetings as and when required

*To compose the BCPN Annual Report yearly

*To host the BCPN Annual General Meeting by or after 22nd October every year

*To organize and host BCPN Conference

4.1 Tier 1

(a) BCPN Chairman

*To overlook the BCPN as a whole and give the final word in all Executive Board decisions

*To act as a bridge between BCPN and BCIO Board of Directors

*To chair the BCPN Annual General Meeting and BCPN Conference

(b) BCIO Secretary to BCPN

*To act as a bridge of communication between BCPN and BCIO Head Office and APCC Secretariat

*To provide any administrative support needed from the BCIO Head Office and APCC Secretariat to BCPN

*To publish all the BCPN related announcements and documents on BCIO website

(c) Chief Executive Member of BCPN

*To overlook the execution of BCPN Action Plan and carry out monitoring and evaluation of the BCPN Action Plan

*To give the final word in all Executive Board decisions in the absence of BCPN Chairman

*To maintain documentation and other administrative tasks of BCPN

*To finalize the BCPN Annual Report yearly by or after 22nd October of every year from July of the past year to July of the running year

*To co- chair the BCPN Annual General Meeting and BCPN Conference with the Chairman and to chair in the absence of Chairman

4.2 Tier 2

(a) Senior Executive - Development

*To develop an execution plan for BCPN in terms of Development and execute the same throughout the term

*To create policies with maximum resource mobilization with regards to the BCPN development, growth and sustainability of the organization

*To develop the internal and external database and BCPN website and to maintain them

*To sustain the participants from the activities and events and follow up with them

*To overlook and mentor the BCPN Interns and Junior Executive Members (JEM) assigned to the scope of BCPN Development

(b) Senior Executive - Communications

*To maintain the internal communications to BCPN registered members in the official communication channel and in LinkedIn BCPN Members Lounge

*To maintain the external communications when needed with BCIO, local BCs, APCC and with other relevant stakeholders

*To approve the content for social media platforms and website

*To convey the event calendar quarterly and report the activities upon completion

*To overlook the PR Team of BCPN and its coordination and Junior Executive Members (JEM) assigned to the scope of BCPN Communications

(c) Senior Executive - Projects

*To overlook the execution of the projects under BCPN and Junior Executive Members (JEM) assigned to the scope of BCPN Projects

*To mentor the respective project leads and provide support and guidance in planning and developing the project ideas contributing to the development, growth and sustainability of the organization

*To report the progress of the project to the BCPN Executive Board

*To monitor and evaluate the progress of the projects

*To coordinate the deadlines and ensure the deadlines are being met

4.3 Tier 3

(a) Junior Executives x 3

*To execute the BCPN Action Plan along with the other members of Executive Board

*To support and coordinate with the Senior Executives in the roles mentioned in 5.2 (a), (b) and (c)

*To carry out any administrative and other miscellaneous tasks that may arise within the scope of the BCPN works

4.4 Tier 4 - other supporting task forces

(a) PR Team

I. PR Team Lead

II. Content Creator

III. Content Designers

(b) BCPN Interns

I. BCPN Interns

II. BCPN Research Interns


I. Project Leads

The roles and responsibilities of item 4.4 will be shared in their separate announcement respectively.

5. Institutional arrangements

The selected members will be working at their destination remotely. All tasks will be performed via online media and proper internet access is required to fulfil the roles and responsibilities.

The main medium of online office of BCPN will be on Slack. Meetings will be held virtually as and when needed.

This is unpaid volunteer-based work and certificate of appreciation will be granted to those who complete a single term of office.

6. Recruitment process

All recruitments of all 4 Tiers will have a uniform system of recruitment from Term 3. However, the considerations and marking criteria may differ based on the position of application. The general outline of the process of recruitment is as follows.

-Phase 1: Announcement

*All the positions from Tier 2 to Tier 4 must be announced online and publicly.

*The application must be open for at least 2 weeks of duration.

-Phase 2:Screening

*A panel of recruitment will be chosen by the BCPN Executive Board.

*All application forms received will be screened and eligible applications will be graded as per the following.

➔ Modified Essay Questionnaire

This section will have essay type questions on the following 5 themes.

❖ Motivation

❖ Experience

❖ Reflection

❖ Impact

❖ Application

Each theme carries an equal number of marks and the total weightage of this section is 25%.

➔ Working Proficiency and Skills Matrix

This section will assess the background of the applicant in terms of the minimum working proficiency and relevant skills possessed.

Both components carry an equal weightage, 10% respectively adding to the weightage of 20% of the total marks. 

-Phase 3: Shortlisting

*The applications filtered in the previous phase will advance to this phase.

*The shortlisted applicants will be interviewed by the recruitment panel.

*The interview carries 55% of the total marks.

*The interview will be based on expansion of the five themes in the Modified Essay Questionnaire as above.

-Phase 4: Selection

*After grading, the average marks of the recruitment panel will be considered.

*The applicant(s) with the highest marks will be selected.

*The selection result must be announced on all the platforms of application announcement.

*BCPN Executive Board is liable to clarify the application status of any applicant and must ensure full transparency and accountability in the selection.

7. Reviewing and renewal of the governance structure

This structure must be reviewed with an analysis and a thorough evaluation at the end of each term by the existing

executive board. If the document is revised, it must be documented as a revision of the existing version in the

chronological order. In case of an entire renewal of the structure, it must be announced as a reform with proper

documentation and numbering.

If you have any questions or comments, please email us at
