The BCIO Affiliation System

BCIO is an affiliation of BCs. Each BC will be considered part of the affiliation after its BC Affiliation Application has been submitted to, and approved by the BCIO Head Office. BCIO is an upper-level organization supporting each BC, and is an international organization. It works for not only for its own country/region but for all APCC participating countries/regions, and to further "Peace and Co-existence" in the world. Through this affiliation system, each individual will be considered a member, working together in managing this affiliation of BCs and the BCIO. Thus, we would like all previously established BCs to submit an Affiliation Application for screening by the Head Office. It is our goal for all participating countries and regions to establish their own BC and become a part of the BCIO. After a BC’s Affiliation Application has been approved, they may make use of the BCIO website to publicize their BC activities.

Affiliation Conditions
(1) BCs that have been established in their own country/region, after fulfilling the BC establishment conditions as decided by the BCIO, listed in the “How to report an official BRIDGE CLUB Establishment” page.(Submission of the BRIDGE CLUB Establishment Report (No.A001) and the BCIO Website Information (No.A002)) 
(2) Carrying out activities in their own country/region in addition to BC common activities (determined at the PA camp→described in the Common Activity page), and reporting these to the BCIO Head Office.  

(3) Selection of a BCIO liaison person who will be available for frequent contact with the BCIO.

After fulfilling the above conditions, please submit the BCIO Affiliation Application (form No.A003) to the BCIO Head Office. The BCIO Head Office will verify the contents of the application. The BCIO Head Office will contact each approved BC via e-mail and a formal BCIO affiliation certificate will be distributed during the next APCC Invitation Project.

(A003) BCIO Affiliation Application  (Word35KB)