Thank you for your interest in establishing a BRIDGE CLUB (BC) in your country or region.  It is evident that you are enthusiastic towards worldwide peace and coexistence, and willing to contribute your efforts through the BRIDGE CLUB International Organization (BCIO).  We at the BCIO Head Office want to provide you with the necessary resources and guidance to make this process as simple as possible.

This brief guide will help you to better understand BRIDGE CLUB and formulate and execute your plan towards establishing one for your country or region.  As this is only a basic overview, please keep in mind that your country/region may require additional steps that are not listed below.

For more information, questions, or comments, please contact

5 Steps to establish a BRIDGE CLUB:
1. Learn
2. Plan
3. Communicate
4. Execute   
5. Announce

 1.   Learn-
 Before attempting to establish a BRIDGE CLUB in your country, you must first fully understand what a BC is and the potential and flexibility that it can have, both locally and internationally.
●Be sure you can answer the following questions below:
・What is a BC?
・Why should others join the BC?
●The BRIDGE CLUB International Organization describes the goals of the BC to be:
・To foster leaders with a global perspective to shape the world in the future.
・To build a network of global citizens free from religious, political, and economical restrictions.
・To expand this network across the world, establish a circle of friendship, and work towards creating a peaceful society.
  * Each BC is unique and has the flexibility to elaborate or expand upon the goals listed above. 
●Resources to learn about the BCIO, APCC, BRIDGE CLUBs, etc. can be found online at the following websites:
●Envision a BRIDGE CLUB in your country/region.
・How can former Junior Ambassadors and other BC members benefit from being a part of this organization?
・What difference can a BRIDGE CLUB make in your country/region.

   2.   Plan-
To meet the standards for official establishment (as described below), you must now develop a PLAN of action to build a successful and self-sustaining BRIDGE CLUB. 
Standards for Official Establishment (Form A001) 
1.  Must have at least 3 members (including the President) who were former Junior Ambassadors with the Asian-Pacific Children’s Convention.  
2.  Must have had at least one meeting   
3.  Must be able to receive cooperation for your local APCC liaison office*
*In the event that a BC cannot achieve cooperation from the APCC liaison office, special exceptions can be made by consulting the BCIO Head Office
Below are steps that are commonly used in the planning of BRIDGE CLUB establishment.
●Contact your country/region’s liaison office to discuss your plans towards establishing a BC and the opportunity for the liaison office to utilize this BC for APCC promotion, training, etc.
●Find a few passionate people to form a planning committee.  A small group of 3-5 individuals to help you with the establishment process will contribute towards a productive, yet not overburdening progression.  It may be easier to recruit former APCC participants that you already know (ie. Junior Ambassadors or chaperons from your APCC year, friends, etc).
●Have a planning meeting to discuss the future of your BC, goals, strategies for establishment, and a PLAN that will guide you through the process.  The more prepared you are to promote the BC, the better success you will have in recruiting former JA and legitimatizing your organization.
●Create a “catch” that will help endorse your club to former Junior Ambassadors and, if you choose, the general public. This aspect of your PLAN could be anything from an electronic newsletter with updates from the APCC to a photo postcard that has old photos to remind former participants about their experience.  In the end, this will hopefully reenergize former participants to want to get involved with the BC.
●Start contacting former APCC participants in your country to introduce BRIDGE CLUB to them, update their old contact information, get them excited about the future, and inform them on how they can be involved.
●Have a general BRIDGE CLUB meeting or reunion. Use this first BC event to personally inform former participants and their family about the BC while providing them with a social environment to reconnect old friendships and forge new ones.
*Be sure to consider any specific needs of your country/region and adjust the PLAN to satisfy any social and political restrictions, atypical communication dynamics, and other factors that may cause problems with establishment.

3.   Communicate-
In developing your PLAN, you and your planning committee must decide the best method to contact former Junior Ambassadors, as official APCC contact lists (which may be available though the BCIO Head Office) are usually outdated, with the exception of the most recent years.  Therefore, calling former participants tends to be successful for it is a personable and direct approach.  Initial communication is used to accomplish the following:
i. Introduce yourself and the current initiative to establish a BRIDGE CLUB, including an explanation of BC and the opportunities that come with this organization. 
ii. Update the contact information of participants (most of which are outdated, as they may have participated in the APCC over 20 years ago).  This will be used later to notify your club members about news and events.
iii.  Inform them on how they can get involved with this BRIDGE CLUB and reconnect with other JA around the world.  In addition, tell them about upcoming events (it is usually wise to hold a meeting or reunion soon thereafter so that you can incorporate advertising with this initial contact).

4.   Execute-
You can now execute your PLAN and begin assembling the foundations for this new BRIDGE CLUB. Tackle each task, one at a time, and put forth your best effort to get the best results. Persevere through the setbacks and improve on your successes. As you and your planning committee completes aspects of your PLAN, such as contacting former JA or holding an event, try to incorporate a post-reflection with each other to learn from your mistakes and enhance the experience for everyone.

5.  Announce-  
Once you have completed the necessary standards for official BRIDGE CLUB establishment, you must now fill out the following forms (downloadable below) and email them to the BCIO Head Office at <>
i.   (A001)BC Establishment.doc
ii.   (A002)Website Information.doc