

2013 Common Activity "Peace by Piece Art Contest"

2024/08/20 232


The “Peace by Piece” Art Contest is aimed at sharing the values of diversity, respect, understanding, and perseverance found in the Asian-Pacific Children’s Convention (APCC) movie, Midori’s Flying Goldfish, with as many people as possible. The contest gives children and adults all around the world the chance to be recognized for their artistic ability while celebrating values necessary for peace and the OMOIYARI spirit- Respect and Understanding spirit.

Midori’s Flying Goldfish is a 90-minute fictional film based on the APCC’s mission & objectives.

For more information about the APCC and the BRIDGE CLUB:  www.apcc.gr.jp 


1. This art contest is open to people of all ages and from all countries/regions around the world.  Entrants must have access to a Facebook account and email address to complete the submission process* 

2. There will be two divisions: 

• Division A – Contestants 16 years and younger 

• Division B – Contestants 17 years and over 

3. Entrants must first view the APCC Movie, Midori’s Flying Goldfish, for inspiration 

4. Entries can be traditional or digital art—your style, your medium of choice. Video or audio submissions will not be accepted 

5. Only one entry per person is allowed 

6. Entries must be wholly original unpublished artwork and cannot incorporate or include anything, in whole or in part, that is owned or was created by any third party 

7. The APCC/BCIO has the right to use any submitted artwork in future activities 

8. All interpretations of rules will be determined by the BCIO and its decisions shall be final 

 *Contestants who are not permitted to use Facebook in their countries may send a photo of their artwork, the artwork title, and the contestant’s full name, email address, city, country, and birthdate 

to peacebypiece.artcontest@gmail.com


1. Watch the APCC Movie, Midori’s Flying Goldfish, for inspiration 

2. Create your artwork with a message of diversity, respect, understanding, and/or perseverance 

3. Upload the photo of your artwork, along with your personal information, to the Peace By Piece Art Contest tab on the Asia-Pacific Children’s Convention Facebook Page 


 January 1st: Submission period opens on the APCC Facebook Page 

 February 14th: Submission deadline at 5 PM Japan Time 

 February 15th - 28th: People’s Choice voting period 

 End of March: Contest winners announced 


1. Message: Your artwork must have a strong message aligned with the values from the movie – diversity, respect, understanding and perseverance 

2. Artistic Merit & Creativity: Submissions will be evaluated on artistic effort and creativity 


Division A 

Judges’ Choice – USD $125 

Peoples’ Choice: 

1st Place - USD $85 

2nd Place - USD $50 

 Division B 

Judges’ Choice – USD$125 

Peoples’ Choice: 

1st Place - USD $85 

2nd Place - USD $50 

 Honorable Mentions in each division will receive special APCC prize packs 

 In addition to the prizes listed above, top entries will be displayed on the APCC Facebook page and at the 26th APCC in 2014, and possibly used in promotional materials. 


1. Contestants agree to assign all copyright, trademark, and other intellectual property rights in their artwork and all photographs submitted in relation to the contest to the Asian-Pacific 

Children’s Convention, 1-10-1-5F Tenjin,Chuou-ku,Fukuoka 810-0001. 

2. Each prize winner will also be required to sign a release of liability in favor of the Asian-Pacific Children’s Convention. Each winner who is under 18 will be required to have their parent or guardian sign the Authorized Release Form for Parental, Guardian or Adult Contestant Consent, the "Release." 

3. By submitting an entry, each contestant and his/her parent or legal guardian agree: they have read, understand and will comply with these official rules; and, or to the extent permitted by law, 

consent to the use of the contestant's name, and age for purposes of advertising and promotion by the Asian-Pacific Children’s Convention without further consent, compensation or approval. 

4. By entering the Peace By Piece Art Contest, an adult contestant or a child contestant's parent or guardian warrant and represent that the artwork is the child contestant's sole and original work 

product and they agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Asian-Pacific Children’s Convention and its directors, officers, employees, trustees, agents, attorneys, and their successors and 

assigns from and against any and all damages and expenses of any kind (including reasonable attorney's fees, costs and litigation expenses) arising out of any claim or cause of action related 

to the creation, and display of entrant's artwork and/or the entry or participation in this contest by entrant, and the reproduction, use, publication, display of entrant's artwork, including but not 

limited to, indemnification for any copyright, trademark, right of privacy, right of publicity, or other intellectual property claims of actions brought by others, or any damages claims or other causes 

of action brought by third parties for actions related to or arising from the creation, display, reproduction, use or publication of the artwork or contestant's participation in the contest. 

Contestant, and his/her parents or guardian (if contestant is under 18) hereby release, discharge, indemnify and hold harmless the Asian-Pacific Children’s Convention, its directors, officers, 

employees, trustees, agents, attorneys, and their successors and assigns from and against any and all other claims, demands, damages, causes of action, losses, liabilities, injuries or 

obligations, direct or indirect, known or unknown or any kind, nature or description whatever,  which an adult contestant, or a child contestant's parents, guardians, heirs, executors, 

successors or assigns may have or claim to have against the Asian-Pacific Children’s Convention, its directors, officers, employees, trustees, agents, attorneys, and their successors 

and assigns arising out of the creation and display of the artwork and from participation in the contest, including, any future use of the artwork. 

 CONTACT  peacebypiece.artcontest@gmail.com
