2024-2025 Common Activity "OMOIYARI DIARIES"
- To foster a deeper appreciation, understanding and respect for diverse cultures within the BC Network.
- To encourage active engagement and collaboration among club members.
- Local Dances & Performances
- Traditional Festivals
- Traditional Crafts & Arts
- Historical Landmarks Folktales
- Each BC will create, and share on their social media page, at least two videos.
- Videos should a maximum of 3 minutes in length
- One of the two videos must be a collaborative effort involving multiple club members.
- At least first video should be posted by December 31, 2024.
- Posting period for 2nd video (or later for those who already posted more than one) should is January 1 - May 31, 2025.
- The videos should also be submitted as a google drive link to activitycommon@gmail.com