

2022-2023 Common Activity "Sustainability in 60 Seconds"

2024/06/04 289

The common activity of 2022-2023 will be an upcycling campaign in which we will take waste goods such as plastic, metal, glass, or textiles and exhibit the valuable DIY things we generate. By releasing 60-second videos of the upcycling process on social media channels, BC members will assist in promoting sustainable practices. Upcycling will entail the notion of creative reuse, in which individuals bonding and environmental conservation may coexist. Who wouldn't want to help contribute to environmental sustainability? Sustainability in 60 seconds will be an excellent opportunity to get engaged with your friends and explore your creativity in order to convey your ideas for sustainable upcycling. This will promote sustainable development by encouraging the wise use of natural resources and preventing and eliminating waste-related hazards and harm to health and the environment.


  •  Simple first step to reconnect with BRIDGE CLUB members and instill a sense of motivation and engagement.
  • Promote the 2030 sustainable development goals (SDGs).
  • Helps to spread the concept of upcycling.
  • Part of the eco-friendly campaigning.


  • DIY projects will be selected by individual BRIDGE CLUBs, and the process must be filmed and edited into a short 1-minute video.
  • The video can be a timelapse or short videos edited into 1 minute, but in the end the project should be explained.
  • The video also must be uploaded on social media platforms of BCs, such as Facebook page and Instagram. Also, it is recommended to upload the video on YouTube with #S60s, #commonactivity2022 and #bcio2022 tags.
  • BCIO will also upload videos accordingly to the BCIO website.
  • DIYs with real life usage are encouraged. Let your creativity roam free!
  • Use the following links as references or be innovative:

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sr6DgQ18drA&ab_channel=5-MinuteCraftsPLAY

2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36kzPDCLvrI&ab_channel=GirlCraftsBOOM

3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XihiC1NeMkM&ab_channel=LHackTV

Common Activity Video submission link: The video must be uploaded on Google Drive, with access to commonactivity2022bcio@gmail.com.


  • Participants can have either a physical or an online meeting.
  • One video should be done in a group as a BRIDGE CLUB and the other two can be done individually by BC members.
  • Participants will get extra 25 OMOIYARI points if the videos are submitted on time.
  • BCs are asked to fill up an OMOIYARI point QR code request form for doing each project and send it to commonactivity2022bcio@gmail.com and CC it to office@bcio.org.
  • OMOIYARI points for regular BC activities will be the same as they were in the past.


  • December 2022 - November 2023
  • A minimum of 3 videos from each BC should be submitted.


 1st video submission deadline - March 31, 2023

 2nd video submission deadline - July 31, 2023

 3rd Video submission deadline - November 30, 2023

Best Video Awards:

The top 5 videos will receive awards during the 2023 PA Camp. A panel of judges will select the winning videos based on creativity, video content, and BC member involvement.
