

2019-2020 Common Activity "LINK BY LINK" (Connections made by people with OMOIYARI spirit)

2024/06/04 265

The “Link by Link” project has been designed to recognize strong bond that the APCC instills within all participants. Members of the BCIO will contribute to “Link by Link” by sharing their stories of mate-ship after each meet-up, either physically or online. By sharing these stories online, we will encourage the active involvement of all members and continue to develop and grow our international organization.


        The interaction could be a physical visit or real time online communication

        The interaction could be between members from the same BC or different BCs.

        After the meet-up each of the participants writes a story about the meeting in the template form and sends it to BCIO.

        Participant must attach a maximum of 3 photos.

        BCIO will upload the story to the Link by Link Blog.

        Participants must post a line about the story to their “Life Events” on their Doors+ account.


OMOIYARI POINTS: Every story posted will get OMOIYARI POINTS as follows:

Real Meeting: 50 points

Virtual Meeting/Teleconference: 25 points

Participant can either have a physical meeting or a real time online communication.

-        Each participants of the meeting has to write a story provided in CA story form and submit to the BCIO. (Email should be sent to commonactivity2019@gmail.com)

-        CA OMOIYARI points will be given to the participants who wrote an article regarding their meeting and submitted to the BCIO.

-        OMOIYARI Points for regular BC gatherings will be same as they were in the past.

TIMELINEAugust 2019 – April 2020

Every BC has to have someone post at least 1 story every month

Head Office Member will coordinate with BC Coordinators to evaluate their Work Group and report to BCIO Management.

AWARD: In May 2020 The BC with highest OMOIYARI points will be announced and be awarded at BC Presidents Meeting. 
