BCAUS General Meeting

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The first general meeting of the year! It was very exciting to have our first general meeting of the year, the purpose of this meeting is to discuss the previous 6 months' events and updates and also talk about the events coming up in the next couple of months. We invite everyone from BCAUS to join including past and current JAs with their families, Chaperones and all of the Leadership team. 

The topics we discussed were: Our social media pages and how they had changed and Instagram projects, that our name is now BCAUS so we aren't confused with other BCs that also start with the letter A, The holiday card exchange, The last APCC and the APCC coming up, our PA Chloe spoke about her PA application and the online PA camp and our President Chanel spoke about her role as a HOM for the coming APCC. 

We had quite a large attendance and it was so great to see everyone's faces, even if it was through zoom. 
